He remained unsuspecting all his life: after his death, the truth comes out downstairs
England - A British man was probably unaware of his rare disease his whole life . It only became clear after his death: the man had three penises!

The gentleman, about whom little is known, died at the age of 78. Only that he was from Great Britain, white and about 1.83 meters tall.
After his death, students at the University of Birmingham Medical School discovered his "remarkable anatomical variation" when they dissected his body.
They diagnosed him with triphallia, a rare genetic condition that has only been documented once before in 2020, according to the Journal of Medical Case Reports.
On the outside, the man only had one penis. The other two were "hidden" in the scrotum.
In the womb, the early phase of genital development takes place in the fourth to seventh week of pregnancy. It is possible that a genetic anomaly occurred during this time.
The man was probably unaware that he had three penises during his lifetime, but according to doctors, he may have suffered from urinary tract infections, erectile dysfunction or fertility problems during this time.
In addition to triphallia, there is also diphallia - double penises. This condition affects one in five to six million people.