Lucky in gambling, unlucky in love: couple wins the lottery, but their dog causes separation!
Net - Relationships break up for all sorts of reasons. But this couple had a particularly strange one: they broke up because the girlfriend didn't want to share her lottery winnings with a four-legged friend.

Passionate lottery player Trixxi (26) shared her story on Reddit and explained how her relationship broke down.
She and her 29-year-old boyfriend had often joked that if they ever won the lottery, they would split the winnings between themselves and their dog Baxter.
Trixxi thought it was a joke: although she had taken the golden retriever to her heart, she had never seriously wanted to share her winnings with the dog.
Relationship break-up due to dog trust fund
When the 26-year-old actually won the lottery, her boyfriend insisted that Baxter should receive his share of 10,000 dollars. This was to be invested in a "dog trust fund" and used for future vet bills or toys. Trixxi wrote on Reddit that she thought this was ridiculous and that a dog doesn't need a trust fund.
But the boyfriend stubbornly insisted on his wish and even considered hiring a notary to set up the trust fund.
In the end, the lottery winner broke up with her boyfriend. His behavior set off warning signals for her. "If he's so unreasonable about such an absurd thing, I can't imagine what it would be like to deal with serious problems," Trixxi wrote in an update.