This dog so touchingly tells his deaf sibling that his owners are home
Web - On TikTok, a dog owner shared the adorable moment his golden retriever lets a deaf Australian Shepherd know his family is home.

These two dog siblings have an incredibly strong bond with each other.
Levi, an Australian Shepherd, is deaf and therefore can't hear when his owners come home. But that doesn't matter, because his dog sibling Maisy, a golden retriever, lets him know.
The cute video on the TikTok channel "leviandmaisy" shows how dog Maisy wakes up her brother Levi to let him know that the family has come home.
While Levi takes a nap on the sofa, Maisy jumps on the cushions and nudges him to signal the arrival of her humans.
The heartwarming clip went viral with over 16 million views, 2.6 million likes and more than 5,000 comments.
Viewers couldn't help but be touched by Maisy's caring gesture. Many TikTok users described the sibling relationship as "the sweetest thing ever".
TikTok viewers are touched by caring dog relationship
"Maisy wakes her deaf brother Levi to let him know we're home," the video reads. In addition, the owner of the two animals added: "I hope she never stops doing that for him."
"This really is the cutest thing ever - they're lucky to have each other," one viewer summed up the cute clip.