What's lying on the beach? Mysterious thing raises questions
Oregon (USA) - Alien alert on the west coast of the USA? This thing is a real piece of work!

At first glance, the USO (short for "unidentified beach object") looks like a harmless stone. However, visitors to Hug Point State Park (Oregon, USA) were captivated by the strange object.
Over the past few days, crowds have made a pilgrimage to the public park to see it up close. But what is it actually about?
The Seaside Aquarium (a kind of museum with animals from the local underwater world) solved the mystery on Facebook. According to them, the thing from the beach is a mola mola, also known as a moonfish.
The animal was washed up dead and is the third of its kind since this June. This is not unusual. After all, moonfish swim in circles off the coast of Oregon, where they have their habitat.
Moonfish can weigh more than two tons

The mola mola that recently washed ashore was a relatively small specimen, measuring around two meters in length. Large chunks can grow to three meters and weigh up to two tons.
Incidentally, according to the New York Post, the fish could not only be seen from afar, but could also be smelled.