What is singer Nico Santos doing at Magdeburg University Hospital?
Magdeburg - A rare sight at the University Medical Center: Yesterday, Monday, singers Nico Santos (31) and ela. (31) visited the hospital in Magdeburg to cheer up the youngest patients.

Guitar, voice, stuffed animals - check! Monday was a colorful one at the University Hospital when Nico Santos and ela. performed their music.
The well-known German singer-songwriters played their songs on a total of four wards, in the parents' house and in the auditorium foyer, putting a smile on the faces of everyone present - whether patient, relative or employee, the university hospital announced.
The stars were particularly close at hand on the ward for seriously ill children. They laughed, danced and made music together.
"Music has the power to bring people together and create moments of hope, especially in places where they are so urgently needed," said Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Heinze, Medical Director of the University Hospital.
This is precisely the motto of the so-called Children's Hospital Concerts, which are now resuming their new tour after a five-year break. No more fitting place to start than the city where the non-profit association was founded - Magdeburg!
The Kinderklinikkonzerte e.V. originally came from the city on the Elbe and now entertains patients in clinics and hospitals throughout Germany with music and singing. Star guests are invited alongside a dedicated team. Further stops in the next few days are Paderborn, Lübeck and Hanover.