After the break-up: Nessi from Coupleontour receives death threats from followers
Berlin - It's only been a few days since Ina (28) and Nessi (27)announced theirseparation . Now Nessi is receiving lots of hate messages and death threats.

Although it was a huge shock for their approximately 2.5 million followers, the publication of their split is now like a liberating blow for the couple.
"It's somehow very liberating. We already realized that there was some kind of crisis," said Ina in an interview with RTL on Punkt 8. It was the only right step for the women.
"In the end, we stayed together because of the commitments of home, child and job. Because we were also afraid of the reactions," added Nessi.
Following the publication, many fans believe that Nessi is abandoning her wife. "Many think it was clear. That I'm conceited, superficial. I've also received death threats," explained the 27-year-old.
"It hurts me too when people say such bad things about her," Ina added.
There are many reasons for the separation of Nessi and Ina

"At some point, the romance is no longer there. That physical closeness goes away and we're just friends," says Ina.
There were also some communication problems. Couples therapy was supposed to heal the rifts in the relationship - without success.
After Ina's stroke in 2022, the two never found each other again. "I was in hospital for a year. It just completely changed us as people," admits the blonde.
Ina will now move to Cologne, where she is now able to look after herself. Nessi will stay in the house near Berlin with their daughter Olivia (2).
Fans who want to continue following Ina and Vanessa can do so on their individual Instagram channels. The "Coupleontour" channel will only remain as a reminder.