Urgent request to stock up on food and water!
London (UK) - Families in the UK have been asked to stock up on food and water for three days. This should help to build "national resilience".

The British Deputy Prime Minister, Oliver Dowden (45), advised people in his country to prepare for possible emergencies such as prolonged power cuts, cyber attacks and flooding, reports Daily Mail.
Last year, Owden recommended stocking up on candles, flashlights and emergency wind-up radios. Now he has gone one step further and said that everyone should stock up on enough food and water to survive for three days without having to leave the house.
The aim was not to create "survivalists" and the advice should not be seen as an alarm, but merely as "common sense" advice.
The preparations made by individual households should help to reduce the pressure on the emergency services in the event of a crisis. Panic buying, such as at the start of the coronavirus pandemic, should also be prevented.
At that time, the shelves in many supermarkets were empty and basic supplies such as toilet paper were no longer available.
Germany also advises to be prepared for all eventualities

Dowden's advice was inspired by similar preparations in countries such as Finland, where a "72-hour concept" is in place to deal with situations where " society 's services are disrupted or even stopped".
Finns are advised to stock up on food and water and prepare to "seek shelter indoors" by taping up gaps in windows and "wait quietly for instructions" via radio.
An "emergency alert system" was also set up in the UK in 2023, allowing authorities to trigger an alert on millions of cell phones to inform people of a potential crisis.
In Germany, the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance also recommends being prepared for all eventualities. This includes food and drink for ten days, two liters of liquid per person per day and a small first-aid kit.
Further tips for putting together a supply can be found at bbk.bund.