"For safety": District in the USA places guns in every school!
Marshall (USA) - A district in the United States wants to place semi-automatic weapons, crowbars and extra ammunition at its six schools to prevent rampages like the one in Uvalde, Texas.

Local school officials and police are trying to make schools in Madison County, North Carolina, safer, the Asheville Citizen-Times reported.
This was prompted by the horrific massacre on May 24 at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, in which 19 children were killed.
During the investigation, it came to light that police did not follow their training for rampages and allowed more than an hour to pass without entering the building.
Sheriff Buddy Harwood cited this delay as one of the reasons for the new measures.
"These officers [in Texas] were in the building for so long, and the spree killer was able to get in there and hurt and kill so many kids," he explained.
"I just want to make sure my officers are prepared for an incident like that."
The plan they have designed for this includes a semi-automatic firearm, an AR-15, in a safe at each school. "We also have breaching tools that are packed in the safe. We have extra ammunition in those safes," Harwood said.
Measures are not proven to be effective

The reasoning behind this is that placing these tools and weapons in schools could save precious time in the event of a rampage.
"I don't want to have to run back to my car to get an AR because that's wasted time," the sheriff continued. "Hopefully we'll never need it, but I want my guys to be as prepared as they can be."
Although he realizes this will cause uncertainty for many people, he sees these resources as necessary.
Madison County Police also consulted security experts at Asheville-Buncombe Technical University for these plans.
The school board also approved the measures and was involved in training for future rampages.
So far, there is no evidence that guns in schools prevent or limit rampages.
According to studies, one of the best measures to prevent such tragedies is to create a better school climate. In this way, pupils can trust each other and their teachers and inform each other about planned rampages by fellow pupils.
In addition,more mass shootingsoccur in US states with easy access to firearms than in states with stricter gun laws. North Carolina has always scored very poorlyin safety ratings for gun laws.